neues mopho os


gerade eben entdeckt
mopho os 1.4.9

1. New Arp modes added
2. Sequencer Slew added
3. Encoder response improved
4. Ignore program change global option added
5. Program knob changes the value on the screen - this should make editing patches quicker, you can select the variable you want to change with any of the assignable parameter knobs and then change it using the program encoder
6. Tap tempo - Hold the assign parameters button and tap the push it! switch. Sequences will start on the 5th tap
7. Arp latch with the new global for pedal mode
8. Fixed a few smaller bugs
9. Fixed a bug that prevented the assign param encoders from calculating the max value of the param they're editing correctly

gibt es hier:

der link für nicht angemeldete funktioniert nicht !!!!
update sollte fuer den tetra auch demnaechst kommen. find ich echt bemerkenswert, dass da staendig was passiert, wo doch der pym gerade voll in der entwicklung des tempest OS steckt...

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