grundsätzlich gibt es diese versionen:
Cubase SX 3 >>
Cubase SX 2.0 >>
Steinberg Studio Case >>
Cubase SE Hybrid Version >>
Cubase SL 3 >>
wobei sx3 natürlich die neueste und schönst und klügste ist

der rest sind bundles und downsize versionen..
sx3 hat zb neu eine art mini-ableton an bord und verbesserungen an vielen stellen.. der schritt von sx zu sx2 war kleiner als der von 2 nach 3..
das studio case ist eine art bundle, mehr für für den einsteiger..
dort ist SE drin.. SE hybrid ist das ding einzeln.. ist eben eingescchränkter .. eher sowas wie cubeat oder cubase lite.. im vergleich.
steinberg sagt das:
* 48 audio tracks and unlimited MIDI tracks
* Professional 24-bit/96 kHz audio resolution
* Supports up to 16 VST instruments
* 5 insert effects and 8 send effects per channel
* VST System Link and ReWire 2 compatible
* Includes complete set of audio and midi effect plugins Same advanced user interface and functionality as Cubase SL/SX, fully upwards compatible
das SL hat diese features (natürlich viel mehr als SE):
Cubase SL3 takes music production to a new level by adding more than 50 new features including powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching, an intuitive Play Order Track, new user-definable workspaces, an improved and expanded track inspector plus many new editing functions.
For the first time, a native music production system combines full-featured audio and MIDI recording and editing, virtual instruments and powerful audio mixing with the added flexibility of loop- and pattern-based arranging and mixing. In addition, Cubase SL3 offers the same, outstanding audio quality and full-featured MIDI recording and editing found in Cubase SX3 at an exceptionally low price.
Top-10 new features of Cubase SL3
* Audio Warp: Realtime Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting offer extensive new audio editing and processing capabilities, including ACID® File support: loops automatically adopt a project;s tempo; audio files can follow tempo changes in realtime.
* Intuitive Play Order Track for pattern-based arranging adds a new level of creative music editing. Divide your song into sections, and then re-arrange it on the fly. Compare alternative versions of your song and then convert them back into a linear form for mixdown and mastering.
* User-definable Workspaces (window layouts) help organizing your desktop. Create and save a separate workspace for each step of the production process. Switch Workspaces on the fly, as if working on multiple computers or monitors.
* Extended Freeze function for virtual instruments and audio tracks with added flexibility and improved performance. Freeze virtual instruments with or without insert effects. Then automatically unload the instrument to free up RAM. Freeze audio tracks with insert effects to free up even more CPU performance.
* New part-based Volume Envelopes for direct control of dynamics. Fix level problems on the fly without wasting automation tracks. Then move events with their volume envelopes.
* User-definable Color Coding for tracks and VST mixer channels provides more clarity and better orientation - especially in complex projects.
* SL3;s Extended Track Inspector now offers direct access to a VST Instrument;s audio channel strip directly from the MIDI track inspector. In fact, it puts both the MIDI and audio channel;s parameters into one single column making it more accessible and easier to use.
* When a song is transferred between systems, all plug-in and virtual instrument links stay intact even when some of them are missing on another system. A so-called Dummy Plug-in replaces missing plug-ins until the project is opened on the original system and the plug-ins are back in place.
* Ever lost a great idea because you forgot to hit *Record*? With Audio Pre Record this will never happen again! Simply set up the amount of time for pre-recording (up to 10 minutes) and whatever you play within that window will be recorded into any record-enabled track - before you actually hit record.
* A redesigned and overall improved Hitpoint Detection Algorithm now offers more accurate results and easier handling. Choose between presets for different types of audio material or apply Q-points to Hitpoints for more accurate quantization and warping.
mit dieser version bist du imho schon auf dem logic 5.5 level (was ja die letzte

version war..

version ist ja schon bei 7.X.X und hat quasi die features des fettesten cubase inkl dieser " Ableton ähnlichen sachen"