Fairlight CMI Clone - Qasar Beach

„Besser“ dachte ich auch gerade, ist aber noch Luft nach oben.

Für authentischen early 80ies New Wave sollte das Timing aber so passen ?
Ja klar, aus Interesse und Nostalgie wird man Spaß dran haben. Will man zu Potte kommen, wird man sicher an sowas keine Freude haben, da sich die Welt ja weiter gedreht hat.
Was ist denn "zu Potte kommen"?
Ich habe eine DAW mit der ich produziere. Ich habe genug Hardware mit der ich DAWless produzieren kann und ich habe einfach Sachen die mich inspirieren um neue Sachen zu erschaffen. Dieses Stückchen Software will keine moderne Technik ersetzen, kann es auch gar nicht, aber es kann dir Kreativität erschaffen die du so vielleicht noch nicht entdeckt hast
Daran kann man sehen wie der Entwickler auf Anwender reagiert ?
Ich hatte ein animiertes Logo angeregt und.... da ist es ?
Dass das Programm selber nicht aufnehmen kann empfinde ich jetzt nicht ganz so schlimm. Dafür benutze ich gerne ein externes Programm und passen mir die Daten schon an. Die momentane Liste sieht so aus:

Wishlist and bug report:

save system 1234.sy not possible

Midi configuration page
If are two or more devices in the list (USB audio/midi interface and USB midi keyboard) only the configuration of the first device will be loaded and remembered. Second device configuration lost after restarting

Integration of a chromatic tuner / test tone generator with different frequencies (A-440 kHz) and volumes on Page 7 for easier setting root key and tuning.

Kurzweil sounds does not load correctly

The developer did not spell Kurweil correct on the page.


animated logo "QasarBeach"

MIDI sync Page R as master and slave

ASIO support with multiple outputs routings

• The ability to assign the individual voices to a desired output, when you use a sound card with example 8 outputs.

• The ability to assign the individual tracks from Page R to a desired out, when you use a sound card with example 8 outputs.

MIDI matrix - the ability to route different MIDI channels to different voices
MIDI channel 1 - voices 1-4,
MIDI channel 2 - voice 5,
MIDI channel 5 - voice 6...

Suggestion: wishes 07 and 08 combined in one page like the original Page 3 - Register Control and Keyboard Control?

No metronome.

No audible or visual indication that a LOAD command has succeeded. Peter Vogel's clunking floppy drive sound may be corny but they do tell you that this has worked.

No way to DELETE files in Page 2

Undo for some Pages
Die 30 abgearbeiteten Punkte erwähne ich jetzt mal nicht. Es hat sich unheimlich viel getan seit den letzten 3 Updates. Ich erlebe die Entwicklung hautnah da ich Beta Tester bin
Cool! Und Danke an der Stelle auch für die flotten Antworten und Tutorials.
Kann man sich hier irgendwo auch engagieren? Bin zwar eingebunden durch systemrelevante Arbeit und viel Familie, aber ich finde dieses Projekt mega!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wartet auf die neue Version 1.25
Es gibt eine Menge Features und das Timing hat sich auch etwas verbessert. Die Jitter sind von 12ms auf 6ms herunter. Das ist noch nicht gut aber besser. Page A - Sound sampling bereitet noch Probleme. Wir hatten mit Abstürzen und kratzigem Audio zu tun. Ich bin aber optimistisch dass er das hingebogen bekommt.
Das Timing scheint sich sehr verbessert zu haben. Leider war die letzte Beta sehr buggy. Die Implementierung der veränderbaren Ansicht in Page D finde ich cool. Das ist ein wenig die Antwort auf das Video von Aly James und Samplight
Version 1.25 ist da! Linux User müssen sich leider noch ein paar Tage gedulden bis es rund läuft. Hier die riesige Liste der Neuerungen. Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß mit dem Update.

Because Ver 1.25 is such a large release with many fixes and additions I have removed the previous update lists

Ver 1.25 Update (28 June 2020)

  • PAGE S changing window sizes now shows title bar
  • PAGE 2 fatal crash with missing .in files fixed
  • PAGE E MIX command removed MI version
  • PAGE E MIX command now operational
  • PAGE E view current (playhead) segment added
  • PAGE F improved the function display
  • PAGE F fixed end of function bug that could return 0 instead of correct position
  • PAGE 7 MODE moved into the top bar
  • PAGE T new 'Pure fx' added
  • PAGE T FX now have banks
  • PAGE 3 added CMI CONVERT. this will take a sample and make it 16k. Which can be used with the ANALYSE command
  • PAGE 4 ANALYSE help text minor change to add CMI 16k
  • PAGE D now animates (draws waveforms) to screen 'internal loading routines now return success or not
  • PAGE 2 now tells you if the file was loaded OK
  • Minor audio activation tweaking to prevent audio stopping
  • PAGE 3 REVERSE added - this will reverse the entire sample
  • REV added to commands. with no parameters it reverses the entire sample as in the manual
  • internal language port and recreation in preparation for threading
  • initial move from event to threading to tackle timing
  • PAGE 2 Info line now shows if a file has been properly loaded or not
  • PAGE S logo images updated to match new animated logos
  • PAGE I animated QasarBeach logo added and operational
  • PAGE R initial metronome code
  • PAGE R metron added to UI (metronome)
  • PAGE R when in record mode, a new (empty) pattern will be automatically created for you
  • PAGE R SONG section play incorrect position fix
  • PAGE R PATTERN SHIFT+< SHIFT+> incorrectly triggered note off
  • PAGE R 'S PLAY' added to UI so you can replicate the IIx play operation of playing the song instead of the pattern
  • PAGE A initial external sampling routines being worked on
  • PAGE A 'EXTERNAL" added to input source UI
  • PAGE A 'External input now shown as live input into left/right input faders
  • PAGE R dur now goes up to 99 (it was 96). 96 is the 4:4 time base, giving ability to stretch over a 4:4 bar
  • internal microphone overload timing crash prevention being added
  • PAGE R song play (when referencing sections) pattern correction when first started
  • PAGE A SYNC only appears when using internal sound source
  • PAGE R song. clicking the section will now enter the command
  • PAGE R song. click an empty section and the command line will automatically fill with the pattern entry command
  • PAGE R - tip - add empty patterns to a section. goto pattern, metron = on, record = on, S PLAY. you can now record as the section plays!
  • PAGE R song. clicking the song block will now enter the command
  • PAGE R song. click an empty song block and the command line will automatically fill with the block entry command
  • when song is playing garbage collection is now turned off
  • Added internal sound sampling protection
  • PAGE 2 some loading bars added - they might not appear though
  • PAGE 2 added some trapping for PPG t000.wav library files to prevent them from loading as wavetables
  • PAGE 3 REDUCE memory protection added
  • PAGE D end segment now displays correctly
  • PAGE E start/end/curr segment buttons only appear if sample is 16k
  • PAGE A gcSuspend() added
  • revert back to previous language as Windows HATES the new one
  • Faders are now 'Live' and will repond to keeping the mouse button pressed. E.G. you can draw on PAGE 5 'PAGE D added faux rotation to 3d view
  • PAGE A external record time halved
  • Potential memory error being looked at
  • PAGE A Corrected Hertz
  • PAGE 2 ctrl+return, shift+return, ctrl+up, shift+up will goto the previous folder (..)
  • PAGE 3 potential REDUCE crash fix
  • PAGE R voice ZERO now stops any playing voice
  • PAGE S fullscreen removed in macos ctrl+cmd+f or just use maximize icon in window
  • PAGE R voice ZERO leaves ghost data fixed
  • PAGE R hidden voices not recording properly - fixed
  • PAGE R quantize of recoring notes fixed
  • PAGE 7 additional FINE added to MODE 5 subvoice display, allowing for fine srting of a sample
  • Internal subvoiceFine data being added to core
  • PAGE R metronome fixed for other timing than 4:4
  • PAGE R note velocity 110 not shown fixed
  • PAGE D start segment will now move with the playhead if 32 or 64 end segments are picked
  • PAGE E repeated cut causes crash - fixed
  • PAGE E repeated trim causes crash - fixed
  • paste waveform crash - fixed
  • internal sample buffer protection added
  • added f argument. When run with f added to the filename it will start fullscreen
  • PAGE E normalize has new code
  • MODE 4 single shot loop (from segments 1 to 128) caused glitch/pop - fixed
  • PAGE 3 compressed center text options
  • PAGE 3 added QUAD COMBINE to options
  • PAGE 7 MODE 6 added to UI
  • Further internal crash protection found and added
  • internal preparation for mode 6
  • Ctrl+U / Ctrl+Z = waveform UNDO
  • First version of Mode 6 mono and stereo base tested :)
  • PAGE S added qasarbeach f help text
  • PAGE S added German Keyboard z is y option
  • internal systems now respond to german keyboard including settings
  • PAGE 7 added live segment display to mode 6
QasarBeach is feature complete, but not completely documented. It is also being actively developed.

A HUGE thank you to all the testers and commenters. with you bug lists, wish lists and more :)


"Ver 1.26 Update (26 August 2020 - soft launch)

This is such a large release that I am going to soft launch it first (consider this finished, but there might be a bug or 2 - just let me know via the facebook page :) ). V1.25 will remain as a download until 1.25 is taken out of soft launch!

  • minor change to midi counting
  • PAGE D crash fix for A,32,8 display with long files
  • new internal MIDI routine - old version had issues with many connections
  • Threading re-enabled in windows
  • New Icon
  • inital internal setup for MODE 7: Grain synth
  • MODE 7 variant graular synthesis added - wiked digital grain bassed synth! stonkin init?
  • PAGE 3 becomes PAGE W
  • PAGE 2 RESET VOICES correctly clears page 8 Nphony
  • PAGE 8 becomes PAGE 3
  • PAGE 3 (nphony) now has root and fine tuning added
  • PAGE A (sampling) becomes PAGE 8
  • PAGE 3 nphony correctly saved inside .IN file
  • PAGE R added note off when using pattern ZERO command
  • PAGE R minor change to metronome code
  • PAGE R correct reading and setting of IIx tempo from .RS files
  • PAGE R correct reading of IIx velocity data
  • PAGE R correct reading of IIx note duration data - the IIx displays the WRONG notes!
  • PAGE R correct section pattern play now being read
  • PAGE R modify code to support playing of section referencing section
  • PAGE R section repeat and return could be messed up or crashed if all 8 positions were filled. fixed
  • PAGE 2 added IIx as a save option - not yet operational
  • PAGE M added 'midi' as input option
  • PAGE 3 Nphony becomes Keyboard control (as with IIX)
  • PAGE 3 UI keyboard added and top block made to fit as with PAGE 2
  • PAGE R shift+left goes to previous pattern
  • PAGE R shift+right goes to next pattern
  • PAGE R song mode. CTRL+V will paste the current copied pattern reference in block or sections :)
  • ONGOING migration of old midi to new midi
  • PAGE 2 load sy now clears previous voices
  • PAGE 2 saving .vc now saves control data with it - this is the same as the IIx did
  • PAGE 2 loading of new .vc format initial test look ok. users should see no obvious change :)
  • PAGE 2 fix to fatal crash of original IIx import
  • PAGE R creating new internal song structures
  • PAGE R some unfound command bugs repaired
  • PAGE 2 missing .in files text move on screen
  • PAGE 2 save (from load) page bug fixed
  • PAGE 2 favorites are now auto saved
  • internal removed wiring controls from audio core - should speed the core slightly
  • PAGE R clicking R could crash if on an ABC pattern and not a pattern number - fixed
  • PAGE R testing new section referencing
  • PAGE R section play position playhead to 0
  • PAGE R pressing SPACE to play will not trigger noteoff
  • PAGE R correct reading and resetting of song data with IIx .RS right
  • PAGE R song page now has playing pattern and playhead data
  • reactivated lfos
  • PAGE S added metronome volume MV
  • PAGE O OUTPUT inital work starting, outputs and input monitoring completed
  • PAGE O finished!
  • PAGE 1 output mix added to index
  • Ongoing battles with Resistive screen on Windows - doubleclick then it works ;/
  • PAGE 6 segement drawing area changes to allow for position 128 <- internal changes to drawing buffers
  • Seperated ini data into data/midi/folders
  • PAGE O/R current sections and blocks now shown in bottom right
  • PAGE O mutes being added to voices controls
  • internal reworking to support mutes
  • PAGE O memories being added
  • PAGE O UI faders and UI mutes checked and working
  • internal fix for external float saving - metronome volume issues not being correctly saved
  • PAGE O initial song/section tests checked and working
  • PAGE O memory slots are correctly saved and loaded with settings
  • PAGE O 'Reset' faders added to UI
  • PAGE O/R selecting a section or song block correctly assigns the faders on PAGE O
  • PAGE R song and section position now show output fader icon"


Ver 1.27 Update(4 September 2020)

This is a much smaller update with the focus on tidying things up and making things work more like the IIx did. So you wont find anything really new, just updates and fixes. You will also find this is an official release and not a soft launch.

PAGE 2 if sound is playing and another page is selected is is swithched off
PAGE E end segment not being visually shown - fixed
PAGE 1 minor fix to short index entries
PAGE 2 minor fix to short 'disk' entries
PAGE R new pattern/note selection code
PAGE R DELETE now removes a note if clicked if on
PAGE R 16 view pan and volume now correctly update
PAGE 2 disk text font is smaller and properly clips not messing up load/save text
PAGE R last played/pressed note is remembered and used for FILL - this is the same as IIx was
PAGE R better note on tracking to prevent audio engine stalling
output mixer is reset on startup
PAGE R strange 'time being reset' when in record fixed
PAGE R keyboard registering fake notes when using arrow keys fixed?
PAGE W added sample size
PAGE 2 removed IIx from save options - code not complete
added thread exit protection
PAGE R added 'GOTO'. this is the same behaviour as 'insert'used ot have
GOTO will go to the clicked pattern position
INSERT will now insert the last note at the clicked pattern position
DELETE will remove the note as the clicked pattern position
PAGE O bottom voices now show current active voice
PAGE O bottom voices are now click/selectable
Ver1.28 Update (28October 2020)

Another smaller update with the focus on improving things with PAGE R

  • minor playback change to prevent sounds from not being triggered
  • PAGE 2 fix for sample playback preview
  • PAGE 7/W left right cursor keys go +-8 to voice number
  • internal checks to prevent initial audio engine cutout
  • PAGE R song block section selection not being registered fixed
  • PAGE R position and repeat not being registered fixed
  • PAGE R selecting sections and playing never started correctly - fixed
  • slightly increased internal timing systems

Wo findet man eigentlich die System Voraussetzung hierfür ?
Würde das Teil gerne auf einer alten Intel CPU laufen @ 2GB RAM lassen.
Ich werd mal versuchen mir das am Wochenende auf meinem intel atom j1800 mit 19" touchscreen anzusehen.

Windows ist wohl die wahl .. oder so hab ich das in erinnerung

