instant sample-to-synthesizer Reaktor Ensemble Skanner (free) algorithmicalizes samples

you need to register, but it’s free. this is a synth, that samples a sounds (looks like it is sort of algorithmically?) so you can say it instantly samples any sound and „converts“ it into something playable without being a real audio sample actually. sounds strange? the last time I heard about things like this was, when Technos Acxel Digital Synthesizer  was released – but does not look exactly like it – don’t know what „they“ have used (Stefan Schmitt, the founder of NI programmed it).  – so maybe try it out .. SKANNER  ok,…

Makers A-Z

Synthesizers [A-Z]  (ca. 880) Manufacturers: ca.160+ 3Lab Ableton Access Ace Tone Acidlab Airbourne / Synthorama Akai Alesis Analogue Solutions Analogue Systems Anyware ARP Arturia BKE BeatKangz Bitshift BME Dr.Boehm Buchla Cactus Casio Cavagnolo Celemony Cheetah Clavia Nord Keyboards Club Of The Knobs COTK Coron Creamware Crumar Curetronic Cwejman Dave Smith Instruments DSI Diamond DiscoDSP Doepfer Dreadbox Dynacord Electronics Music Mag Electronic Dream Plant EEF EEH Eko Electro Harmonix Elektrokosmos Elektron Elka Electronic Music Lab EML EMS E-Mu Ensoniq EOwave Evolution Exclusively Analogue Fairlight-Peter Vogel Farfisa Five12 Numerology Formanta Polivoks Future Retro…

Modular Synthesizer

Modular Synthesizer manufacturers and URLs über Modularsysteme.. (davon viele auch hier zu finden) gibt es u.a. von: Digital Modular? Clavia G2 / Nord Modular / Micro Modular Series Software Modular? see Softsynth.. INFO: find more about the system in their respective sections.. this is just a list of the manufacturers urls.. you can get modular synthesizers from these companies, lots of them listed here in the moogulatorium..: I listed the highlights.. Analogue Systems, Blacet, Buchla, Cyndustries, Doepfer, Serge, Encore Electronics, Evenfall, Metasonix, Modcan, MOTM, OakleySounds, Paia,, Technosaurus, Wiard, Analogue…

Classic Synth Specials Digital Synth Synthesizer History Timeline 

Hi-End Synthesizer Special – from Synclavier, ConBrio to GDS/Synergy to Fairlight

HI-END SPECIAL / Die BESONDEREN.. – New England Digital – Synclavier.. read the manual „why a synclavier has no midi“ ;-)) hi end FM and sampling station, better run it with a 68k vintage mac for editing.. it does Resynthesis, 12 OSCs with additiv Spectrum per OSC, FM but with one modulating and one carrier each, multiple additiv waves can be morhed into another that appear on a sort of a time line/linear envelope (just time between those additive spectra oscs) – 4 sample OSC/Timbres- >  sampling is possible on this…

Moogulatorium Part 2 – Analogsynthesizer B

Synthesizer Database Moogulatorium:ANALOG SYNTHESIZER SECTION VINTAGE & FUTURE ANALOGUE & HYBRID SYNTHESIZERs –> page 2/ 2 goto: moogulatorium 1.. –> Synthesizer Main List.. <– Cwejman S1? the swedish better MS20? no.. it’s different.. VERY much!! it has the FASTEST ENVELOPES I every listend to on ANY synthesizer!two filters and 3x FM – OSCs.. a lot of paramters can be patched using 3.5mm jacks but, hell.. I have never listended to a better synth for percussion sounds because of the 0.5ms Envelopes! there is linear and expo characteristics. the LFO is…

Roland Modular: System 100, System 700, System 100m

Roland Analog Synthesizer – the Roland Modular Synthesizer Series ROLAND SYNTHESIZER images (click the pic to enlarge it – if available) THE ROLAND MODULAR LINE ROLAND SYSTEM100 – made in 1976 LARGE VIEW SYSTEM 100 here/ grossbild Roland System 100 Schematics System 100 .. the Roland System 100 consists of 101 basic unit, the „expander“ 102, the sequencer 104 and mixer 103 it is very very similar to the sh5. 1)the expander and basic unit provide a 12dB/oct. LPF and the typical non-vc or dynamically modulated hpf (fixed for just…

WALDORF Ideas & things to remember Part 2 Ideas & Tricks

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Ideas & Tricks… how many voices can the microQ do and what about the DSP-power??.. go HERE! UPAW wavetables.. how to make some..? 1) Use the UPAW assembler which is available as open source on the FTP-server. 2) Use the Polyframe (atari ST, was what is now sounddiver) Adaption georg müller created back in time for the Atari. 3) Use a Hex-Editor to code the SysEx directly. but normally you can use the ones,that are already in: FM, and some more using sounddiver. upaw…