Musikmesse: Helmtronic Challenger at our Booth (synthesizer-magazin)

Simple quick play on Helmtronic Challenger – 4 VCOs, 2 Filters (24 & 12dB LPF + 4 Mode-Filter, inkl Mod Busses and Filter FM), there is a poly synth addition in the making that allows to use it paraphonically (like Poly 800, Polymoog), which will be sort of polyphonically playable.. Quick Info Box 2 Voice (2x Multi) Helmtronic Challenger Analog Synthesizer(2010) 4 OSC, 2 Filter, 2 LFO, 4 EG subtractive analog synthesis, 49 Keys, MIDI CV Gate Ctrl, Value (in 2010 was) 2000€ continue / weiter..? Quick Info Box 1 Voice (1x Multi) Helmtronic Black Moon Analog…

Musikmesse: Radikal Technologies Accelerator with 3D Controller

Jörg is a cool guy, he implemented a 3D Controller that allows to do it the ROCK way, the synths is a 3OSC’ed 2 Filter Synth that has a lot of the Spectralis – but it’s a different machine – still, there will be a Modulation Sequencer in it (3 or 4 Tracks) and it sounds very fine & hifi to my ears. here’s a little impression.. Hybrid Synthesizer RADIKAL Accelerator built in 2010 8 Voices / Stimmen 8x Multitimbral Memory / Speicher standard info © value / Gebrauchtwert 1900 € in 2010 (-) Tech…

Musikmesse: Korg Workstation Overview ps60 / Microstation

these 2 basically equally structured workstations work the same way, but microstation is more „workstation“ while the ps60 looks a bit more like a „trident“ kind of synth,.. there’s even a 16track sequencer on the microstation. 2 LFOs + Global LFO, not ultrafast, 2 ENVs, 2 OSCs, so it is a nice little workstation small in size but nothing „special“. hmm, nothing? no, it’s smaller! even japanese ppl with just 5qm room might be happy to have a nice neat instrument for „everything“. here’s the menu structure and I show…

Musikmesse: can you believe it. Octatrack, Vintage stuff and more

Some more spotting of gear – big black shiny knobs and well.. stuff.. . vintage? Casio still no synth, but CZ’s and FZ‘ behind glass. lots of retro everywhere. Gaia-Sturzflug mit 9 ENVs, 3 LFOS, 3 OSCS und Knöpfe aus „vintage“ added to SynthDB Roland Gaia SH01 in SynthDB Korg Monotron is here Elektron Octatrack Korg PS60 Korg Microstation

Musikmesse: – Synthesizer-Magazin Booth / Stand

CLICK THE IMAGES TO SEE THEM IN FULL.. Some Impressions from our/my booth – live actions, the De-Moon, Challenger and Schrauber Synths and Sequencers shown. Hier Eindrücke von unserem Stand – Dem Synthesizer-Magazin Stand. Hier zu sehen: Bernd Kistenmacher und Stefan Erbe mit Live-Darbietungen, eine DJ Performance mit dem SP555 und diverse Bilder vom Helmstronic Challenger mit ihrem Entwickler. Klaus von und mit seinen Memotron-Modellen, Frank mit dem Schrauber Sequencer und daneben das MFB-Set zum selbst ausprobieren. Später kam noch der Gotharman De-moon dazu, der jetzt rauscharm ist, neue Algorithmen…

Musikmesse: Final Pics – Feeltune Rhizome, Lemur and Openlabs

Here’s the batch I missed to upload. Impressions of the new Rhozome synth/sequencer – in fact it is a dual core computer with step sequencer up to 64 patterns, plugins (comes with a lot of plugins like Minimonsta and Ohmforce filters, so you may start with it immediately), allows other stuff, since it is XP E (for embedded) as OS, 18kilos, dynamic pads, and freely assignable to unlimited real time track length. there’s still room for more, so do not expect it to be the final specs, but that’s what…

Musikmesse: Images II – new gear & software

more Pics, Eigenharp, a strange controller that seems to have such a sensor like the Accelerator that tracks it’s „3D Position“.  Waldorfs new Sample-12Bit PPG Wave Plugin, the very cool Prosoniq (not really showing the new tool, but to me the most amazing extraction tool – sonicworx little brother – removes anything in an existing audio file. The large Tango controller and the new final Origin design form Arturia