
Synthesizer Movie „Bright Sparks“

this is about the pioneers of electronic instruments including the tape based Mellotron-Family (Streetly, Chamberlin, …) and even EDP is amongst the ones that Dave Spiers asked about everything, you may know him from his GForce software synths, his studio and talks with Nick (sonictalk) and others. this movie mentions musicians we all know, if we had access to the 80’s music scene: Underworld, Portishead, Ultravox, Depeche Mode, The Normal, NIN/Alessandro Cortini  – we hear Daniel Miller talking about the punkeeeness™ of Non-Moog(ue)-synths and all that is available for 12€…


Dave Smith – it’s an Oberheim – the OB6 – the OberDave 6! Polysynth

UPDATE: OB6 es ist ein Oberheim OB6, den DSI vorstellt! it’s an Oberheim by Dave. And there will be a Rack/Desktop-Version Audio (src: Bonedo) OB_6_01.mp3 DSI baut tatsächlich den OB6 mit SEM Filter (inkl Morphing von LPF nach HPF) und BPF Modus, sonst ist er weitgehend so ausgestattet wie der Prophet 6, allerdings hat der die Modulations-Abteilung typisch wie bei Oberheims klassischen polyphonen Synths. Und er beherrscht Crossmodulation! 2999€ – ready in 1 month. (march/april) it’s an Oberheim from Dave Smith! Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen for the real geeks here…


Korg Minilogue Polysynth + Akai AX coming back

Korg just registered „Minilogue“ sounds and IS very analogue, very synth and it is polyphonic and has a 16 step modulation sequencer. in mono mode it has 2 OSCs 1 Suboscillator, in poly it has just 2 OSCs. in dual mode it has these 2 voices doubled, so 4 OSCs sounds and can be detuned. the only unclear thing is a rack version, that might happen – but may just be some messing around with image processing software (not to mention one of those companies..) – maybe done by him since the…

macOS Windows 

PPG Phonem – Vocal Synthesizer

Wolfgang Palm, creator of PPG, the Wavegenerator and Wavetmapper has released the Phonem. it creates things from whisper to screem – as said because no audio, yet. but coming. Für 119€ kommt am 18.Nov. der Stimmen-Synthesizer Phonem von Wolfgang Palm. Es gibt dafür englische und deutsche sowie französische Phonem-Bestandteile. Es gibt dafür eine Menge Hüllkurven und LFOs. Dies ist also schon mehr als SAM auf dem C64 oder eine Aneinanderreihung von Samples, sondern synthetisch erzeugt. -> Wolfgang Palm PPG Phonem – Vocal Synthesizer Create your own singing style Create your own…


SoundScaper – Sampler Glitch/Circuit Bending Synth (iPad Synth App) + FieldScaper Warpfield-Recorder (iPhone)

this thing needs a newer iPad – it loads samples and is a synth with 3 LFOs – so it is fine enough to be just a sample mangler standard – but in addition to that it has some sort of glitch-effects aboard that do „circuit bending“ to it and reshape it. seems reduced in price at the moment (6€) – so check this video or all of these audio demos at their site Ein Synthesizer der Samples lädt und diese mit Glitch-Effekten versehen kann. Aber – das ist nicht…