A Synthesizer For Christmas…

a synthesizer for christmas – in here: Prodigy, Microkorg, Liberation… sooo cute… and this one is the best SynthiaClause one to date.. really! this should hit your Alison G. point.. Analogue Solutions Christmas: Polymath Night (featuring Christine Anderson)Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen _ Werbung, ja.. aber.. hey.. aus der Reihe der kreativen Synthesizerwerbung in superniedlich und mit Baccaraspray kriegt man das auch wieder hin . Forum sagt – Welchen Synth kaufe ich mir als nächstes … Erstmalnix? und -> A Synthesizer for Christmas

Midi Quest 11 – Edit your Hardware Synth – Win/64bit/OS X 10.9 – no more Sounddiver on OS9/OS X

TIME TO ABANDON SOUNDDIVER? YES . it’s long long dead within Apples Emagic (Logic) buyout. so there was no more chance for very very new OS’es – but one guy is keeping it up … so time to sell your old iBook if you keep it for Sounddiving.. right? Midi Quest. is the only left universal editor for MIDI Synths that support SysEx. So MIDI Quest is going next generation. Till now it was a Java tool to get all platforms working since it’s not performance you need – just…

Storn System Analog Synthesizer from Indonesia

inspired by MS10/20 and EMS – this may be the first synth from Indonesia (Bandung). Storn ist short for SynThesizer electRONic beside those there is a „Rhythm Machine“ which is in fact a drum synth (no sequencer) – that Name Störn sounds german – but it’s just like „looks nice“.. the names are Lavatory and Maga, both semi modular, where Maga is also digital – this is the first info, more at the forum (quote) their Site will be up in 21 days from this post.. Forum • Storn System – Analog…

Madrona Labs Kaivo Granular Synth

you do know it – I am a fan of Aalto, and they or Randy makes an new Aalto influenced plugin which is not the same but a new concept which will base on grains and granular synthesis and it has physical modeling in it.. aaaand – it can access and play samples – well it’s playing it granularly.  here’s a little preview since it’s not yet out – but you can get Aalto for $49 these days for a limited time period. very interested in checking it out ..

MiniSynth Meeblip Anode

This is dangerous. open up your head for the Rockets and Volcas in the skies? This one is Open Source and therefore meant to be changed – the term here is „hackable“ and means – you can check it out, how does it work? you can check everything including inerds. it’s completely yours and if you are a nerd you can change it or built your own bent anode-successor-something.. it’s simple and I guess I don’t have to say so much about what’s inside – one OSC with PWM AD-Envelope…

film tip: ELEKTRO MOSKVA – Synths and Music &.. KGB

this film is about the early russian elektronic music, the instruments and everything that you might think of russia as a country, as a system of that time that influenced all this – possibly more than here in the 2 germanies at that time? an ultravivid scene derived from Theremin, Polivoks and Junost Synths in between of vodka bottles, Moskwitsh and spoons.  – looks like a film to love because it is different, so this is another planet, world and … it’s elektro!! buy one of those synths at some…

Synthesizers in the movies – LFO – Synthesizer in Filmen und…

Tenori-on and Elektron gear can be seen in this Swedish Movie.. LFO trailer (with English subtitles)Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen there is more imagery and videos & pics that feature synths in films, movies and ads.. Dieser Film heißt LFO und es kommen einige bekannte Sachen vor, darunter das Tenori-On und die Elektron Maschinen – hier werden weitere Filme und Werbung gesammelt, in der Synthesizer eine Rolle spielen.. via Forum • Synthesizer in Filmen und Soundtracks.   und noch ein Klassiker, „Performance“ mit einem Menschen der nicht viel mit Synthesizern…

Cybersound Modular Synthesizer – Workshop

a new Dotcom-Style/Moog size Modular will be shown soon.. 4x VCO 4x Filter (1x Moog, 1x Arp 2600, 1x Steiner Parker, 1x EMS) 4x Hüllkurve  2x LFO 1x Quadrature LFO 1x Noise / Sample & Hold 2x Ringmodulator 1x Multiple 2x AC/DC Mixer 4x VCA 1x Saw Animator 1x Federhall 1x 4-fach Panning Mixer Ein neues Modulsystem namens Cybersound von Christian Fischer wird am 7.12.2013 am Bodensee gezeigt werden. Nach 7 Monaten und 2 Jahren Planung ist das 4stimmige System nun da. Cybersound Modular Synthesizer Workshop.