Hi All! It's been some while since I updated the website- I've basically been building up M5s and
also working on two new prototypes! These being the long awaited M3X2 and a new varient
of the moroco stereo filterbank- it's now the moroco stereo synthesizer! Within the next few days,
I shall provide you with protoype pictures to let you all see what is happening...
Below is the first prototype pic of the M3X2- this is the format that I am going on...
Initially- the M3X2 is to built in a batch of 30 units to get started- sales shall be made on a first come
first serve basis- price is to established shortly!
New features of the M3X2 more use of discrete parts- ie, transistors. The ADSR Envelope Generators are
entirly new- all transistor based- they are seriously snappy! The Noise Generator is a new design-
featuring 'Light Noise' and 'Dark Noise'- totaly variable between both 'colours'...the Filter has been
improved upon- as have the oscillators- going back to the Op-Amp/Comparitor/Transistor design...
The front panel now features separate CV Inputs to all three Oscillators/Filter/VCA with a +5V Gate
input replacing the defunct S-Trig. Each Oscillator has it's own separate output, as does the Filter and
the VCA......Oh yes, Analogue Glide has been included too- as well as the Digital
Glide built into the MIDI to CV section. There is also a 9 waveform LFO built in featuring Triangle, Saw Up,
Saw Down, 5 rectangular shapes and of course Sample and hold...this is an exciting synth in a solid steel,
6U rackspace/angled wedge!