is deep
Nord Stage 3 - Update History
v2.10 (2019-02-27)
v2.10 (2019-02-27)
- Changes to Synth Preset list: In Category mode, the Osc 1 dial functions as "CatSel" (Category Select). Used with Shift, this dial presents a list of all available categories.
- A separate On/Off setting for pedal Volume was added to the Extern menu. Note that this does not affect the Volume functionality in the panel Extern section.
- Improvements to Synth voice allocation: Better handling of cases where sustain pedal is used in conjunction with slow Amp attack times. Better handling of repeating notes with long Amp release and/or sustain pedal.
- Changing Synth Preset could produce an audible click. Fixed.
- Changing the Sustain setting for the Extern section did not immediately produce the expected results. Fixed.
- Synth Arpeggiator did not handle velocity information properly. Fixed.
- Dual KB: Incoming Aftertouch did not affect Rotary morph, in Panel mode. Fixed.
- MIDI notes could be sent on previously used channels, under certain circumstances. Fixed.
- Drawbar MIDI would not be listened to with Preset II selected. Fixed.
- MIDI CC #108 (Rotor Speed) was sent at boot if Sustain pedal was set to Rotor Toggle/Hold. Fixed.
- Sustain pedal state was not always properly reset when removing pedal. Fixed.
- Improvements to ESaw/ESquare + Detune configuration.