naa, es gibt schon ne menge jammergestalten zum thema encode
naa, es gibt schon ne menge jammergestalten zum thema encoder im pulse..
allgemein zu waldi encoder synths..
hier ist das changelog:
Thu Sep 4 06:35:41 1997 Stefan Stenzel
* Version 2.01
- nasty bug with poor button performance in 2.00 fixed
Tue Aug 12 09:31:39 1997
* Version 2.00
- Polyphonic support added, documentation comes extra
- Controller Dump from Panel
- Timeout for Tune Function works now
- Some Factory sounds changed
- Bugfixes:
- Program Change
- strange Notes when receiving CC on other channel (Pulse+ only)
- Missing Notes
- Panic <Mode-down> sends correct messages via MIDI
********************* Changes in Version 1.42 *******************************
- some minor bugfixes
- Autotune function faster and with timeout
- Panic function now sends All-Note-Off and Reset-All-Controllers messages.
- Improved factory test routines
What is new in Version 1.40 compared to versions 1.00 thru 1.30 ?
- some minor bugfixes
- Improved Program selection
While holding down the <Program Up> button, pressing the <Program down>
button will increase the program number in steps of ten. Same applies for
decreasing the program number by first pressing <Program down> button.
- Panic function handling
Panic function will now be executed by pressing and holding <Mode> button
and then pressing <Program down> button.
- Higher oscillator frequencies
The highest frequency for OSC1 and 2 is now about 8.6 kHz, in old versions
it was only 6.5 kHz. The maximum frequency of OSC3 is about 4.3 kHz except
OSC2 is synced to OSC3, in this case it is about 3.6 kHz. Note that in old
systems, OSC3 frequency was always limited to max 3.2 kHz.
- Assign modes for the arpeggiator
Notes are played in the order they are played, up to ten notes are memorized.
In addition, the pattern will be repeated in the desired range of octaves :
[A.UP] Assign mode, octaves upwards
[A.dn] Assign mode, octaves downwards
[A.AL] Assign mode, octaves alternating
- LFO1 can be synced to MIDI clock
This is achieved by selecting one of three additional waveforms :
[tr.C] triangular wave, clocked
[SA.C] sawtooth wave, clocked
[PL.C] Pulse wave, clocked
Once a clocked waveform has been selected, the speed will be displayed
in musical terms, eg. [2b ] means a full LFO cycle needs two bars of a
4/4 time, [16_] stands for a dotted 16th note, [ 8 ] for an 1/8 note and
so on. If the arpeggiator is used, the LFO is synced to the internal clock,
except the arp itself is synced to incoming MIDI clocks.