Korg Electribes MX/SX are discontinued – new Electribe 2 in 2015

販売完了製品|KORG INC.. says my beloved Electribes (SX and MX) are officially discontinued? I heard some very vague rumours there might be something coming.

I am not happy to say, that also the Volca series isn’t at all anything like a replacement as well as the Gadget App which are nice but not even close complete – the real thing on tribes was – you could make your music incl samples and had enough tracks to make it work – more is nice – polyphony as well and dynamics as well. but it has been enough (incl myself) to have the chance to play live and jam or just to really play and perform – you CAN perform on a 8 memory Volca, but you got one-4 tracks with 16 steps which is less then not enough for me – 128 steps was hard enough for melodies ..

so – please bring back something black – the dark desirable electribe with some more melodic parts, dynamics not just accent maybe a little bit more synthesis but no less than the ESX – and I will be happy. I have some small improvements for it but it is close to perfect – you might want to leave out those tubes. ;)

UPDATE 2015: the new electribes 2 are here

Die Elektribes sind jetzt auch Geschichte – Vintage..
EMX/ESX im Ausverkauf?
Für mich eher traurig, da sie bekanntlich bei mir eine wichtige Rolle übernehmen. Es ist denkbar, dass Nachfolger in Arbeit sind, denn es gab sehr indirekte Hinweise darauf, dass da was kommen könnte.

— Info:
Korg ElectribeSX1 ESX1 synthesizer

Electribe MX1, EMX1 multi synthesis / groovebox

-> Update/Kommentar 21.5.: Inter sagt per Kommentar- die alten Tribes seien ausverkauft mit SM-Slot, die neuen noch nicht. Dennoch sind bei den Discountern die Tribes verschwunden: genauer – Thomann listet nur noch MX SD für billiger und b-stock und SX ist komplett weg. Das bedeutet Lager räumen, es kommt was Neues oder gar nichts mehr, alles muss raus. und schaut euch um!

Neue Maschine kommt oder Korg lässt die Ära auslaufen und macht alles in kleiner erstmal. Aber es würde passen hier ein Ding für Pros zu bringen, also mehr Pro als die Volca Serie. Also 16 Steps sind etwas wenig und Tracks und ..

jedenfalls reicht das nicht, wird es auch nie. was macht man da?

Update: Neue Electribes gab es dann 2015 und wir haben sie auch getestet in SynMag 48

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3 Thoughts to “Korg Electribes MX/SX are discontinued – new Electribe 2 in 2015”

  1. Perhabs a little missleading:
    The japanese page is listening the old SmartMedia Electribes as discontinued.
    The EMX-SD / ESX-SD are still available in dance product section:
    I guess both are still alive and kickin. :D No wonder, even after 7 years no other groovebox is on the market with similar capabilities and prize.
    Though I wouldn’t mind something new from Korg.

    1. looks a lot like they sold out the tribes in germany – the 2 biggest discounters of musical instruments do not even list them as new, and they dropped in price remarkably. MX is still there, SX not listed anymore!

      so, this sounds like sold out a batch of them and nothing coming in soon..
      ooorrr — new thing in the pipeline.

  2. […] sort of a modular system with sequencers that have flam/roll functions (thanks for that) like the Electribes had. it also provides granular […]

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