PPG Synthesizer

wavecomputer 360 , 1002 , 1020, etc.. PPG 100 modular see below!
PPG Wave 2.2 / Wave 2.3 / wave 2.0
PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer

PPGAnalogue PPG trigger info: gate pulse in/out 15V GROUND to positive.
PPGPPG Synth overview / überblick..
PPG MODULES ARE here/hier!
the ppg 100 modular is here!!
ppg modular
PPG Wavecomputer
the first one that used wavetables,
that are now in the Waldorf Synths
and the later PPGs (wave)
max 4 voices, no filter.

if you got a microwave or a wave:
the first 30 waves! this started it all: the wavetable synthesizers based on spectral scanthough by envelope or LFO (DYNAMICALLY/moving spectra!)..
a wavetable is basically made of additive composition of the first 16 harmonics. on the PPG WAVETERM you can draw them, on the waldorf wavetable synths you can do it also.. find more about wavetables in the waldorf section..

controls / whats in it?
ENV: one AR and one ADSR env with Peak Level.

LFO with Speed and Delay

Dynamics control Wavescan (Wave), VCA or Pitch.by LFO or ENV

Transform Slider

and typical wavetable displays on the right side.. see picture..

PPG 360 Wavecomputer
ppg wavecomputer 360
enlarge click on above pic!!

ppg wavecomputer 360
ppg wavecomputer 360

the legendary
PPG Wave 2.2
PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer
controlled by the Waveterm A (big floppy drives 8′) or B (3 1/2′).. the Waveterm C is a PC-based project (see below)..

well, ppg invented the WAVETABLE synthesis. 60 spectral „snapshots“ can be scanned through by an envelope generator..

Waldorf (also german company like PALM PRODUCTS GERMANY = PPG) did a rack 1989, the microwave.. and.. well.. you know the Wave and microWave series.. check waldorf section (they also used the ASICs (chips) that wolfang palm (founder of ppg) developed before for his wave series… the „most typical“ wave may be the wave 2.0. and: well it is the most stable one. ppg’s name became „panic products germany“ just because of the problems (the board: narrow and dense and thermo probs..) so: I do not recommend this for live!!..
there is a small company (virtual music) offereing some updates and maintainance kits like keyboard mod and another OS can be found here

but: it is one of the most interesting sounding synth that has been made those times! (early 80ies!). bands like propaganda, depeche mode and art of noise used the „blue system“ for about 33000DM (deutsche mark = about equivaltent of about16500Euros!)..

the very special things introduced with the wave 2.X series: sampling (using the waveterm) with 12bits max.

it was THE HI-END DREAM MACHINE of that time.. there is also a software ppg 2.V by waldorf trying to emulate it’s sound.. but listen yourself!!..

PPG Wave (Waveterm!)
disk format – disc format:

format, or at least a raw driver that can be customized or so.With Windows, you will probably don’t have a chance…related to the OS/9 that runs on the old Radio Shack Color Computers, which have 6809E’s in them. It was a Unix-like OS that
could multitask even on that little 2 MHz (as far as I remember) machine. It would be cool if you could read the PPG disks using one of those . . . As far as I know, it was OS 9 (not to confuse with MacOS 9 ;-)) which was developed by some German programmers. There was a computer based on this OS and the Waveterm B used the same main board.Check with the experts: http://www.nashville.net/~antarct/ppg.htm

Die PPG Synthesizer finden sich wieder in den Waldorf Synthesizern Microwave 1,2,XT und XTk und Wave .. mehr dazu im Waldorf Menü
Es gibt einen Linux driver um die „OS9“ Daten zu lesen (hat natürlich nix mit MacOS9 zu tun)..

PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer
PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer
PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer
ppg wave 2.2 / and 2.3 (300pcs / 700pcs) have been made apprx.
PPG Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer
PPG Wave 2.0 -> the earlier one..
WAVETERM Cthere are some freaky ppl out there:
the waveterm C is a pc-project porting the waveterm 1 and b to hard/software! check their site (paul maddox,dave forward, hermann seib) http://www.waveterm.com/
PPG Wave 2.0 , 2.2 , 2.3
& Waveterm A , Waveterm B,
missing the PPG wave series?
yes, I do not have a nice image so far..

hermann seibs page:
and real interesting mod to those machines herethere are some freaky ppl out there:
the waveterm C is a pc-project porting the waveterm 1 and b to hard/software! check their site (paul maddox,dave forward, hermann seib) http://www.waveterm.com/

PPG mods and techs service help? PPG service – repair? go here

ppg 390 drum unit

this is really rare! there are afaik 2 know ppg 390 out there!
thanks to paul maddox () for pic and info (this thing exists!), that background is again bernies moog/ppg monster machine www.aliens-project.de

ppg 390 drum unit
PPG Computer Sequencer 350
PPG Computer Sequencer 350
eine deutsche anleitung zum ppg 350 sequencer als pdf

Manual translation in english (shortened and xlated by moogulator):
click here.. english PPG 350 manual

ppg 350 computer sequencer
the rare PPG 1020 synthesizer

PPG 1020 (above) from 1976, it had digital OSCs!

LFO („Mod Generator“),

bigger? / gross?

PPG mods and techs service help?go here
PPG Modular synthesizermore on ppg modular..
lots of sequencers & ADSRs ;)
want to see this in use?go here


von diesem SYNTH/
of this Synth!!!! LIVE!

just have a look at the ENVs.. ;)

the ppg100 modular system
by/from Beerma§ter – Dreamscape Studio
find more ppg modules here

deutsche beschriftung!
ever seen german words on a synthesizer?
wolfang palm did this on this model!

ppg 100
more ppg modular pics.. ppg100 modular
tiefpass is a LPF! – hüllkurveng stands for envelope generator
verstärker is the VCA section.
ppg100 modular
uuhm ribbon is not german – vee t(h)ink ;)
ppg100 modular
tiefpass is a LPF! – hüllkurveng stands for envelope generator
verstärker is the VCA section.

attenuator = abschwächer! – vormischfeld = the CP module / mix
ppg100 modular
the oscillators!
ppg100 modular
ppg100 modular
the sequencial switch ;) zeitsteuerung – time control
find more ppg modules herePPG WAVETERM C project.-..
TEL. ++39 349 6400206
FAX.++39 049 9908491
E-MAIL :info@basskonzept-studios.it
VAT N°. 03695700280
specialists for ppg and moog in italy.. in padua. non commercial atm. they restaurate, repair and build moog and ppg systems.. fabio and nicola – more soon! BKS ( Bass Konzept Studios)
Comming soon : www.basskonzept.it (not up yet)
BKS : Analogs Solutions,specialized in Moog and PPG modulars.
what they did?
more in the ppg / moog section here: Moog & PPG
this is also a reference: moogMODULES
there are some freaky ppl out there:
the waveterm C is a pc-project porting the waveterm 1 and b to hard/software! check their site (paul maddox,dave forward, hermann seib) http://www.waveterm.com/
PPG Wave
(OS + Diskformat)
PPG Wave disk format: Es gibt einen Linux driver um die „OS9“ Daten zu lesen (hat natürlich nix mit MacOS9 zu tun)..

format, or at least a raw driver that can be customized or so.With Windows, you will probably don’t have a chance…related to the OS/9 that runs on the old Radio Shack Color Computers, which have 6809E’s in them. It was a Unix-like OS that
could multitask even on that little 2 MhZ (as I remember) machine. It would be cool if you could read the PPG disks using one of those . . . As far as I know, it was OS 9 (not to confuse with MacOS 9 ;-)) which was developed by some German programmers. There was a computer based on this OS and the Waveterm B used the same main board.Check with the experts:

Die PPG Synthesizer finden sich wieder in den Waldorf Synthesizern Microwave 1,2,XT und XTk und Wave .. mehr dazu im Waldorf Menü

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