Alesis Synthesizer

Alesis + Alesis Andromeda ( A6 ) Analog Synthesizer

Drum MachineAlesis MicronAlesis Ion
Alesis HR16 Drummachine
the HR16..
80ies 16bit
alesis micron synthesizeralesis ion
Remote Keyboards
X25 + X49
Alesis Fusion Synth
test in german

Alesis X25 Remote Midi Keyboard Controlleralesis fusion synth
alesis masterlink
HD mastering recorder
test in deutsch

andromeda a6 synthesizerandromedaA6 Alesis Andromeda
(click here!)

AlesisAlesis Synth overview / überblick..

Tricks & infos site.. phatter, fuller, wider..
ANDROMEDA A6 real analog Synthesizer

(section has moved to the database..)
alesis andromeda a6 synthesizer
but sounds very different..

more here: Alesis Ion

alesis Ion
alesis micron (+ compare ion / micron)
same as ion but with nice kind of one-finger-sequencer with programming on the display.. it’s a small synth but it works..
more alesis micron..

the structure is 3 OSCs and 2 fast LFOs (1khz), modmatrx and 2 filters with some „emulations“ of filter types: jupiter, moog, oberheim and formant filter types are available. well, it’s still a VA and so you should not expect it to replace a moog or jupiter.. but it isn’t a bad sound!!! it has 8 voices.
ION vs. MICRON: the micron has the same engine but a 3oct. keyboard and horizontal wheels. when you edit a sound you have to choose „OSC“ on the keypad and press the button, then you can go to a specific OSC parameter (like OSC1 pitch) using the dial.. click again on the knob and you can select another OSC parameter..

there is an ARP’er (ion) and a little sequencer (micron) on board, more for the rhythmic part of your life.. but it is there! some sort of motion recording for controllers is there ,too.

alesis micron synthesizerthe micron also has a SEQUENCER which is prette close to TR-type step – for rhythm and melody stuff .. step and realtime. for it’s small display this is a real cool user interface. the ion has no sequencer aboard. it lets you make sets to play rhythms and melodies instantly.. just by playing.. incl latch mode.

the structure is very different from a microkorg, but it may be theeeee competitor for it.. well, the micron has the more powerful engine and double voices and multimode… (4 slots).. well, I’d say it is quicker on a microkorg to program it and to find the parameters on stage.. but the micron has a full size keyboard and the more flexible sound engine..

of course there is OSC sync and FM aboard and also those 20 filter types..
modmatrx has 12 slots with 114 sources and 78 destinations..
FX: 2 master FX and one per voice in one slot (so it’s 4)
vocoder 40 bands.

audio inputs are available in both..

6 OP FM Synthesiizer with Physical models of wind instruments and HD Recording and kind of „extended“ micron / ion VA Synth..
it has 8 ENVs and 8 LFOs (!!!!) ..
the envs are multi stage.

more Alesis Fusion Synth..

alesis fusion synth
ALESIS X25 and X49 – remote control keyboard with dimensional sensor
has the airsynth sensor!! remote keyboard with audio interface in one .. 2 oct remote. not a bad idea.. it’s quite comaprable to the d-beam by Roland but has 3 controllers / directions that influence it.. rolands d-beams are more „one“ dimension per beam (they have 2 on most beam-equipped gear like the vsynth..).. there’s also a larger version of it in black:
alesis x49 with beam
Alesis X25 Remote Midi Keyboard Controller
The Alesis DrumMachine HR16 (right)
from the mid 80ies with 16bit Drum Samples (a bit more than 40 Samples, the B Version was even more powerful „rockier“ and used by the first us bands on the industrial side of life like mentallo and the fixer etc..
Alesis HR16 Drummachine

more to come..

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AlesisAlesis Synth overview / überblick..

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