Yamaha TNR-i TENORI-ON for iPads and iPhones

TNR-i – TENORI-ON – Yamaha has released a simulation of the Tenori-On on the iPad. works on the iPhone, too. 16€ isn’t cheap but cheaper than the hardware was/is. has all modes and functions of the original. it can sync to other TNRs via the Game Center (from Apple). the data on the Hardware SD Cards can be load to the App as well. not said: if it loads a sample stack of 48 sounds as the original and sending MIDI signals isn’t clear, but for that price I’d assume…

Yamaha Motif XF – with 2GB Flash RAMs for big Sets

Little Demo Video. Nothing really „new“ in it, but 2 letters. Not much news in here. More Sounds and ROM Space but not more knobs / ctrls. – HD Recording etc as you know is in 2GB Flash Board Installable, so this isn’t bad for instant loading your personal sounds. some updates in OS, UI, good libraries – that’s true. so this may be nice for computer replacement on stage, I am sure the idea of having GB Pianos and things like that is hard on hardware today, so this…

AMAZONA.de – Vintage Synths > Purple Box: Yamaha HX-1

8/16 Operator FM Synthesizer? Yamaha released an organ with 8OPs before the FS1R was made, I believe it was the time, when the FVX1 was made but seemed not to have that success. Hier ist eine Orgal auf Basis von 8 bzw. 16 Operatoren FM Synthese. Der FVX1 ist ja wenig bekannt, diese Orgel aber sicher noch weniger. Wie man dort sehen kann, ist das auch ein Exot, jedoch voll in der Zeit der Synthesizer-Euphorie geboren. Oder grade noch, denn besonders gut verkauft wurden ja weder FVX1 noch die HX1.…

Yamaha Commercial Audio | Yamaha Commercial Audio vertreibt Dante-MY16-AUD-Karte von Audinate

Yamaaha goes Ethernet Audio on their digital mixers. means you can use it as a nice 16ch audio i/o using this. since the Mac Pro has 2 Ethernet Ports this isn’t a bad idea. So why not using the 01V96’s Port.. Want to have my analog expansion? Tja.. jetzt kann man mit dem Yamaha Pult über Ethernet arbeiten. Es verwandelt das 01V96 und andere in ein 16ch Audiointerface. Gute Idee. Besonders mit nem Mac Pro, da er ja ohnehin 2 Ethernetports hat. Yamaha Commercial Audio | Yamaha Commercial Audio vertreibt…

Yamaha CX5M

Ziemlich Vollständig – Der CX5M und ne Menge Software in Cartridges.. • Yamaha CX5M mit Keyboard (große Tasten 4 Oktaven oder kleine Tastatur) Yamaha CX5M Digital Synthesizer / Computer und mehr.. INFO Es ist ein 4 OP FM Synthesizer eingebaut, der technisch der Linie FMSynthese Linie DX100, DX27 etc. entspricht, der Editor dazu ist auch dabei als Cartridge: dazu gab es folgende Cartridges (Software) – Alle Yamaha außer FM Auto Arranger (Konami): Ich kenne diese: MT-Base (Karteisystem / Datenbank) FM Voicing Program II FM Music Macro FM-Auto Arranger (Konami) FM Music…

Yamaha FM-Synthesizer Generation/s

Yamaha FM synthesizers. for yamaha EX and vector series scroll down.. find editors for your FM synth here find a complete „how to make a bass with FM“ tutorial here / Tutorial für FM Bass Sounds hier.. Yamaha Synth overview.. FM SYNTH GENERATIONS DX-TG-SY-FS-PLG —- the fm synthesis HISTORY @ yamaha -1st generation DX series (80ies, a bit rough sounding 12bit converters): DX1,DX5, TX7, DX9, TX816 / TX216, DX21. FM SYNTHS first generation DX1, DX5 DX7 GS1/2 the gs1 and gs2 started it all with FM synthesis (simple „piano like“…

Yamaha CS series / the analogue series

Yamaha CS series / the analogue series (CS= control synthesizer) Yamaha analogue Trigger: gate pulse in/out 10V negative to GROUND. btw: there is a „rumour“ around the CS series respond to korg logic Hz/oct. – thats not true. it’s a special exponential characteristics.. you need a special interface to midify it!!.. so: simply play it! there are some special interfaces around .. eg EES in germany did one.. CV in/out: 0,0835 V to 4 V (exponential) Trigger in: Note off 15 V to 3 V / Note on 0 V…