Kurzweil Forte

Die Forte OS4 Beta ist draußen. Release Notes:

Here is what you are getting with the brand new Version 4 of the Forte:

* 6-operator FM engine with all the programmability of classic FM synths.
You will see an FM Template program in ID 995 to start from scratch if you want to, but the best thing is that you can go online, get sysex files from famous FM synths that have a 7 in their names, load the files via Storage mode and instantly get lots of FM sounds that were used in so many 80's songs. I would recommend to start with rom1a, rom1b, etc... Easy to find.
But, here's the best, FM is a layer inside your programs, so you can Cascade FM into VAST to add filters or viceversa, cascade vast layers into FM.
Also you will get FM boxes in regular VAST DSP, creating FM modulations to your regular VAST programs.
You can also get Sample playback into operators within the FM layer without an extra cascade layer.
Also you get real time control for all operator levels and frequencies in FM.
You can use the arpeggiator (classic or step sequencer) and the new CC Step Sequencer with FM.
And once you put Kurzweil FXs in those sounds, what you can get is truly outstanding. The sky is the limit.
* CC Step Sequencers.
1 per zone. 16 total.
Like arpeggiators, they are in the Programs AND in the Multis.
They "arpeggiate" MIDI CCs. 4 MIDI CCs per CC Step sequencer. With patterns, different randomizations, scale/addition with mods, different kinds of syncs to the notes you are playing, to arpeggiators or other cc step sequencers in other zones.
They are a lot of fun. Start modulating a filer freq. and you will soon see what I mean.
By the way, in multi mode there is a Destination (148) so that you can turn them on or off with a programmable button in real time.
* Free running oscillators.
We brought them back from the PC3 series. They were a happy accident but many people liked them. So, here you have them.
Select a DSP box with a Sine, for example, and in the DSP CTL you will see an Osc Key Sync parameter (Note On/Free Running).
* Better object management functionality.
Move functionality has been added to Global - Objects.
Better selection of objects by range or type. You don't need to select one by one for eternity.
This is for global object delete/move and Storage Store.
Storage Load is still like it was.
* Program Edit - Import Layer is much nicer now
* Program Tuning Maps
Our Intonation tables set the intonation of one octave and repeat that across the keyboard. That is good for doing things like middle eastern or alternative tunings, but that's not good for stretching tuning, like in a Piano stretch tuning, where the amount of tuning is different in each octave. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretched_tuning
The way we have to do those kind of things is via the Keymaps. You can construct the Keymaps with the tuning you want to. But, getting into editing Keymap might lead to duplicate keymaps just with different tuning and things can soon get messy, so we have added a new very simple feature, in the Program Common page you have now a Tuning Map. There are 3 basic ones in there already to start with.
Railsback is probably the most common, as it is an average of many pianos stretch curves.
E.Piano is based on some common electric piano service manual.
Grand Eight is based on a grand piano.
Remember that each piano really has its own curve. Piano tuners consider this like an art.
Obviously, this is really helpful when you start with an equally tempered tuning in your keymaps, and then you add this stretching on top of it whenever you want it stretched. Our pianos are already stretched. What it could help, at the moment, is to "unstrech" them, for those of you who want to play in equally tempered without the need of creating new Keymaps. Or to stretch other instruments. Clavs and harpsichords also have stretching maps... there's a whole underworld about those things that you can get suck into if you like it. We are giving you the tools to do it if you want to.
Pressing Fav1 you can EDIT and create your own maps.
* Zone Names
When you have Global - Show Zone Info set to ON in Multi Select Page AND you see some information about each zone of the Multi that you are playing. One of the elements is the name of the Program.
Well, if your multi has 8 or fewer zones, you can decide to show the Name of the Program of the Zone OR any Zone Name that you can just add that might help you identify that zone better than the program name. In the MAIN edit page of your multi there is a new parameter called Zone Name that you can edit to set that name.
Some things are not perfect yet, we know, but it's getting stable enough for starting the Beta phase, and we'll like to hear your experience with it. Also, if we have broken something accidentally, please let us know.
Remember that the objects created with this OS are NOT compatible with previous OSs as they contain lots of new data (FM, CC Seqs, etc.) so, if you need to go back to a previous OS, you will need to hard reset or format first.
Remember that the Sound Tower editor does not know a thing about all the new data, but it should just "ignore" it without crashing or corrupting things. Let us know if you try it.
Last, only because of you we are where we are with the Forte. You are as important to this product as each one of us in the developing team. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts and cheers to all of you!
sorry, das klingt jetzt nach Fanboy, aber,...
alleine der erste Abschnitt erzeugt bei mir aus Vorfreude Gänsehaut. FM innerhalb von Vast mit Sampleinput.
Das klingt wirklich wundervoll!

hast du das schon ausprobieren können?
OS4 ist kurz vor dem Release.

Version 4.00 Release Notes



* GLOBAL / OBJECTS - New Object Utilities (this page replaces the DELETE page). User objects can now be selected by type and ID range. Selected User objects can be deleted or moved to a new ID range.

* GLOBAL / OBJECTS / OPTIONS / MAP - New Object Map. The Object Map can be used to view which IDs are used by each object type. This is useful for organizing Objects when deleting, moving, or loading user objects.

* GLOBAL / OBJECTS / FAVORITES - New Favorites Bank Utilities. User Favorites Banks can now be renamed, duplicated, deleted, or moved to a new ID range.


* GLOBAL / TOOLS / MIXER - Fixed a problem that could cause changes to Mixer settings to be lost.



* Favorites Bank names are now shown in Multi Mode when Favorites View is selected.

* EDIT / CC SEQ - New CC Sequencer per Zone. The CC Sequencer allows you to rhythmically modulate up to 4 Program parameters based on preset or user patterns. This is useful for adding modulation to Program parameters such as filter frequency, panning, and various effects parameters.

* EDIT / MAIN - New Zone Names. Each Zone can be named on the Multi Edit Main page using the Zone Name parameter (press the Favorites 1 button to edit the name). When Show Zone Info is set to Yes on the Global Mode Main 1 page, the Zone Name is shown in Multi Mode (if the Multi has less than 9 Zones, and if List View is not selected).


* In Multi Mode, when Favorites View is selected, a double button press of the Channel/Zone Up/Down buttons selects Favorites Bank 1.

* SPLIT / LAYER - Fixed a problem that could cause the Split/Layer page to be blank.



* Favorites Bank names are now shown in Program Mode when Favorites View is selected.

* KB3 Programs now display their drawbar settings in Program Mode when Large View is selected.

* EDIT / CC SEQ - New CC Sequencer per Program. The CC Sequencer allows you to rhythmically modulate up to 4 Program parameters based on preset or user patterns. This is useful for adding modulation to Program parameters such as filter frequency, panning, and various effects parameters.

* EDIT / NEW FM - New VAST FM layers (up to 8 per Program). Load preset FM sounds from SYX files used by classic 6 Operator FM synthesizers. Access FM algorithms, operators, envelopes, and modulation parameters for custom sound programming. Combine 6 Operator FM synthesis with keymaps, samples, and additional VAST modulation sources, all within a single VAST Program layer. VAST FM layers can also be layered and combined with other VAST layers, and signals can be routed in and out of each layer, perfect for processing classic FM presets through additional layers of filters and effects, or for using VAST oscillators and samples as FM modulator signals.

* EDIT / ALG - New FM Oscillators. 2 Block FM Sine, FM Saw, and FM Triangle VAST Oscillators for use in classic VAST Program layers. Combine FM synthesis with keymaps, samples, and VAST modulation sources.

* EDIT / COMMON / Tuning Map - New Program Tuning Maps. Program tuning maps can be selected and edited for each Program, to set tuning offsets for each key in cents. Program tuning maps can be used to emulate stretched tuning techniques which are commonly used for acoustic pianos and other acoustic keyboard instruments. Three tuning maps are included, Railsback (a common stretched tuning), E.Piano (based on a common electric piano service manual), and Grand Eight (based on a grand piano). Note: Most of the Forte’s factory piano samples and keymaps use stretched tuning by default, therefore when editing Forte factory piano Programs, tuning maps are useful for changing tuning to equal temperament, rather than applying stretched tunings. A few keymaps which include “440” in their name are tuned to equal temperament.

* EDIT / DSP CTL / Osc. Key Sync - New Oscillator Key Sync setting for all VAST oscillators. Oscillator waveforms can now reset their phase each time a note is played, or operate in Free Running mode (useful for emulating analog synth sounds).


* In Program Mode, when Favorites View is selected, a double button press of the Channel/Zone Up/Down buttons selects Favorites Bank 1.

* EDIT / IMP LYR - Improved Layer Import page with graphic display of available layers and active key ranges.

* SPLIT / LAYER - Fixed a problem that could cause the Split/Layer page to be blank.

* EDIT / FAVORITES 2 (Compare) - Fixed problems with the Compare function for KB3 Programs.

* EDIT / FX - Fixed a problem that could give FX Chains the wrong name when saving.

* EDIT / ALG - Improved XFADE Alg. Fixed a problem where Input2 could still be heard when XFade param is set to 100%.

* EDIT / LFO+ - Fixed a crash that could occur with FUN Function warp2(a,b).

* Program 1 Rich 9ft Grand - Improved sustain pedal for Variation Pad layer (released notes no longer sustain).

* Program 19 Legacy Grand - Fixed a problem that could cause damper reverb to be stuck on, removed noise from Variation Pad layer.

* Program 53 FM EP 1 - Fixed a problem that could cause note attacks to sound wrong below C4.

* Program 54 FM EP 2 - Fixed a problem that could cause note attacks to sound wrong below C4.

* Program 99 Mr Smith - Improved settings of the Rotary Brake button so that LED on = Enabled.



* LOAD - Import SYX files. The Forte can load .SYX files containing FM Programs from classic 6 operator FM synthesizers. Imported FM Programs can be edited in Program Mode and combined with additional layers, VAST synthesis features and FX. Imported .SYX files appear as new Programs in Program Mode.


* LOAD - Fixed a problem that could cause Aux 1 FX to become disabled after loading a backup file.

* STORE - Fixed a problem that could cause dependent Arpeggiator Shift patterns to be excluded when saving Programs or Multis with dependent objects.
Ich seh mich nicht ganz durch - der Forte SE hat den klassischen "VAST" Screen, den man vom K2000 und K2500 kennt. Jedoch steht auch beim Forte 88, dass die Sounds mittels VAST Synthese erzeugt werden. Hat man da trotz des besseren Displays (abseits vom FM Update) jedoch keinen direkten Zugriff auf dessen VAST Engine?

Hier auf der Comparison Liste steht, dass sich am Forte 7/8 auch VAST editieren lässt. In keinem einzigen Test oder Review wird jedoch darauf eingegangen. Der Bereich Program Edit im Benutzerhandbuch umfasst laut Index nur ein paar Seiten. Kann man die VAST Edit und Synthese Fähigkeiten des Forte bon der Komplexität her mit jenen des K2000/2500 vergleichen, oder gibt's da Abstriche bzw. mehr Möglichkeiten?
Es geht mit freier Kaskadierung sogar mehr. Ansonsten ist es ident mit dem PC3. Mit OS4 ist die FM Engine und der CC Sequenzer noch dazu gekommen.

Hier mein Vergleich.


Ich seh mich nicht ganz durch - der Forte SE hat den klassischen "VAST" Screen, den man vom K2000 und K2500 kennt. Jedoch steht auch beim Forte 88, dass die Sounds mittels VAST Synthese erzeugt werden. Hat man da trotz des besseren Displays (abseits vom FM Update) jedoch keinen direkten Zugriff auf dessen VAST Engine?
die ganzen Testberichte sind noch aus der Zeit, als der Forte nur ein Stagepiano war. Anfangs gab es daher nur rudimentäre Editfunktionen. Seit V2 ist aber volle VAST Editierung möglich. Die Funktionen sind, abgesehen vom Sampling, deutlich erweitert worden.
Der ForteSE ist aber wohl eine Mischung aus PC3 und Forte. Da sind die Funktionen beim SE mitlerweile geringer...
Was ist eigentlich mit dem Forte 7 passiert? Den gibt's schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr zu kaufen. Der große Forte und der/das PC4 passen leider in meinen Studiotisch nicht rein.
Wenn jemand seinen Forte 7 verkaufen will oder jemand kennt, der jemand kennt – sachdienliche Hinweise bitte an mich!
Hat jemand eine Lösung, damit ich die Edit-Parameter über externe Controller verändern kann?
Bisher hat mich das UI nicht gestört, es war zwar nie super, aber akzeptabel. Jetzt mit dem FM Bereich macht es mir aber wirklich keinen Spaß auf einer Displayseite 50 Einträge über den Cursor zu editieren. Deshalb würde ich das gerne auf die MPC oder einen anderen Controller direkt mappen.
Ich weiß, FM ist ein Zusatz zum Forte - aber so ist es für mich nicht nutzbar (Ich will keine DX7 Files importieren, sondern selbst editieren).
Geht das auch bei den Hüllkurven? Das ist ja die erste Seite mit den vielen Parametern, oder meinst du nur die Modulationsseite?
ich bekomme das nicht ferngesteuert:sad:
ja, das sind über 70 Einträge, durch die man sich, mehr als mühsam, clicken muss. Das macht echt keinen Spaß: (
Daher hatte ich auf eine SysEx Lösung gehofft. Denn so ist der FM Teil nur als Presetplayer zu gebrauchen.
So, wenn mir die Tastatur gefällt, klemme ich mir morgen nen gebrauchte Forte 7 unnern Arm :tralala:
Nach zehn Jahren schicke ich dann mein S90Es in den Vorruhestand und deponiere es im Büro, um mir die Pausen zu versüßen.

Gibt es irgendwo n paar Tutorials auf deutsch, was z.b..den Sequencer oder andere Dinge angeht? Also alles was über das übliche Programm/Multis programmieren hinaus geht? Bei Kurzweil gehe ich ja gerade nicht unbedingt von selbsterklärend aus...und es kamen ja per Updates jede Menge Funktionen dazu...
Boogie Woogie ... super. Damit bekommst du noch nicht mal ein Daumen hoch vom hiesigen Schützenverein " Hase, Sau und 9mm"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So, Tastatur gefiel, Forte hab ich dann Mal mitgenommen :party:

Ganz schön süß, der Forte 7 :taetschel: steht jetzt da wo vorher mein S90ES stand, jetzt brauch ich noch n paar Sachen um den plötzlichen Platz auszufüllen :mrgreen:

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