Roland und Cakewalk machen mit der engeren Zusammenarbeit ernst:
Sonar 5
anyway, ich bin sowieso eher auf dem weg vom rechner weg. aber als Sonar 2.2 Besitzer behalte ich die weitere Entwicklung im Auge.
Sonar 5
Variphrase im Rechner klingt nach einer guten Idee, solange die nicht auf den Gedanken kommen keine Hardware mehr zu bauen.Below are some of the key new features:
* PSYN(tm) II subtractive synth, Pentagon(tm) I vintage analog synth, Roland® GrooveSynth(tm), SFZ SoundFont sampler, RXP (tm) REX Player groove box
* Perfect Space(tm) Convolution Reverb
* Updated MIDI FX plug-ins
* SONAR 5 ships as both a 32-bit and 64-bit application with the 64-bit double precision floating point engine being accessible in both versions.
SONAR 5 Producer box Collage
SONAR 5 Producer collage
(click to enlarge)
* BitBridge(tm) enables 32-bit VST effects and instruments in SONAR;s 64-bit environment
* Roland® V-Vocal Variphrase(tm) vocal editing technology
* Track Templates and Track Icons
* VST plug-ins are now scanned, loaded, and configured natively in SONAR
* Enhanced Track Layers for even more comping and editing power
* Integrated inline audio and MIDI editing, arranging, and mixing all in one view
* MIDI <a href="https://www.sequencer.de/specials/sequencer.html">Sequencer</a>uencing enhancements including advanced step recording
* Plug-ins and Edit views may be docked and tabbed right in the Track View for easy access when arranging, editing or mixing your project
* Envelope automation drawing enhanced with tempo-sync patterns, freehand, more
* Object-oriented clip-based effects and editing including per-clip effects bin, clip-based effect automation, and more
* Enhanced Group Editing and Group Manager
* Remove DC offset during recording
* Bus and synth waveform preview to give you the visual feedback you need to fix it in the mix through markers that display overs and peaks
* Video output to 1394 FireWire devices for high quality viewing with lower CPU and disk usage
anyway, ich bin sowieso eher auf dem weg vom rechner weg. aber als Sonar 2.2 Besitzer behalte ich die weitere Entwicklung im Auge.