SynMag - Das Synthesizer-Magazin

SynMag – Das Synthesizer-Magazin (Ausgaben-Übersicht)

Alte Hefte? Melde dich per E-Mail – nenn mir die Nummern! Vergriffen: 1-5, 8, 10, Analog & Modular Sonderheft –> PDFs im Shop. -> 37€ pro Jahr für ein Abo – nicht viel, oder? -> SYNMAG AUSGABEN ÜBERSICHT SynMag neuer 66.. hier SynMag 66 – 2018 Roli Blocks – Bau dein eigenes Ding -Modulare Controller Serie Novation Circuit Mono Station- Mini BassStation + Sequencer mit CV Gate – Geh sterben 303? Modor NF-1 – Digitaler Synthesizer, stolz wie OSCar, Formantfilter und Multisegmenthüllkurven GRP Synth / Sequencer Special Interview GRP Sequencer R24 – analog,…


Korg Minilogue Polysynth + Akai AX coming back

Korg just registered „Minilogue“ sounds and IS very analogue, very synth and it is polyphonic and has a 16 step modulation sequencer. in mono mode it has 2 OSCs 1 Suboscillator, in poly it has just 2 OSCs. in dual mode it has these 2 voices doubled, so 4 OSCs sounds and can be detuned. the only unclear thing is a rack version, that might happen – but may just be some messing around with image processing software (not to mention one of those companies..) – maybe done by him since the…

Synthesizer-Magazin – Ausgabe 37 kommt 19.3.13

Maschinen Korg KingKorg – Wenn Electribe und Radias einen Sohn bekommen.. Kurzweil PC3K8 mit Kore64 – Prüfstand Roland JX3P + Kiwi Update – Klassiker aufgebohrt ZenDrum – Ein ungewöhnlicher Controller String Machines Teil 3 Dinosauriertreffen Impressionen (Gearporn) APPartig iPolysix – Korg verAPPlet den Polysix Menschen Sensationen Transmediale Die Krupps Jacob Korn Bernhard Loreau via Synthesizer-Magazin 

Korg MS20 Mini kein Fake / new MS20 mini analog synth from Korg is not a fake

the new small MS20 mini is not a fake, it appeared on the Site and it seems analog and unchanged, so it’s all analog and controlled by Hertz/V CV. so it is true, it will come for about the price the original Ms20 was sold.. but… no 800€ is cheaper. BUT IT HAS USB and MIDI! $600 street price they say. MIDI is note on / off but all analogue! -> MS20Mini Analog Synthesizer auf einer Site von Korg Deutschland ltauchten die Daten eines analogen (!) MS20 in Größe des Legacy…


King Korg VA with analog filter emulations and tube – rumours and wishes / MS20 re-release (confirmed)

something new approaching, also synthtopia asks for the MS20 to come back in form of a real synth.. if so, I ‚d still answer the same when I saw that controller first- make this thing sound just as it is, add octave shift keys and program change and give it 4-8 voices polyphony and a nice double full blown envelope and FM for those OSCs and it could be something very very cool…The Korg MINI MS-20 Monophonic Synthesizer (NAMM Rumor) – it’s now confirmed, there IS a $599 MS20 analog…