What is your favourite DIY modular synth PCB/Kit supplier?

What is your favourite DIY modular synth PCB/Kit supplier?

  • Synthtech.com (MOTM)

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Curetronic

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Blacet

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Oakley

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Ken Stone (Cat Girl Synth)

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Papareil Synth Labs

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Paia

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • One that is not listed here

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer


As you can see in the title I want to start a poll with the

As you can see in the title I want to start a poll with the following question:

"What is your favourite DIY modular synth PCB/Kit supplier?"

Please discuss here what you think about the PCB/Kit supplier,
e.g. concerning documentation, quality of PCB's, etc.

Only modular systems!!!
is it really a *competition*?
isn't it cool that there are

is it really a "competition"?
isn't it cool that there are more than one DIY platforms?..
imo they are all cool what they do.. so I'd add here "more than one is cool.. at least for me .." ;-)

you def'ly missed anyware and out simplesizer project btw.. ;-)

soap won't wash away your shame :floet: :frolic:
(depeche mode)
you def'ly missed anyware a

Moogulator schrieb:
you def'ly missed anyware and out simplesizer project btw.. ;-)

Simplesizer is not modular. ;-)

In my eyes we can delete this poll, it was just my first idea for a starting thread here.
simple can be made modular and there is the *forumodular* pr

simple can be made modular and there is the "forumodular" project..
VCOs are ready.. well, ok.. we did not really put a cool documentation up it was a more "secret" thing, because the ppl that were interested were a very small group ..

just to mention it..

keep the thread.. why? well the list is also a nice reference for all starters into synth diy , isn't it?
keep the thread.. why? well

Moogulator schrieb:
keep the thread.. why? well the list is also a nice reference for all starters into synth diy , isn't it?

I can create a new thread for a reference.
do what thou wilt..
I will never kill threads for *being th

do what thou wilt..
I will never kill threads for "being the king(tm) of this forum" ;-) *G*
Re: OK, I created the new thread:

Wo ich grad in den Tiefen des DIY-Forums wühle, hole ich den auch mal wieder hoch und wechsel auf deutsch. ;-)

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